6 Products to Obtain a Sustainable Bathroom Design

By Cindy
Posted . Filed under Design Inspirations.

If you are looking at remodeling or constructing a new bathroom, you may want to investigate what materials are on the market to get a great sustainable bathroom design. There are more sustainable building products on the market than ever before and we suspect that the trend will only bring more to the marketplace as the demand for these eco friendly products rise. Five years ago the choices for building green were slim pickings, but we are now finding that you can get artisan bath designs and be eco friendly at the same time. Here are 6 ways to get a great looking bathroom and be helping mother earth at the same time.

Low Flow Toilet

There are so many choices now when it comes to high efficiency toilets. Dual flush toilets which operate with a two flush system have become more popular as the money savings are hard to argue with as well as the water conservation. 55% less water is used in the water efficient units which equals to half of your water bill each year. More costly up front to purchase the units than the old toilets but a sure quick return on investment


Recycled Tile

There are some great choices when it comes to eco friendly tiles. The most common on the market are tiles recycled from glass but others that can be found are ones made from recycled copper, clay and wine cork. With every shape and color to choose from, recycled tile is a great green building choice.


When it comes to sustainable counter tops, there is a wide range to choose from. With a rainbow of colors as well as materials, whether its wood, bamboo, aluminum and recycled paper, eco friendly won’t be hard to find.



When it comes to wallpaper, the choices are still limited in the eco friendly category. We found a great company out of Australia-Little Greene wallpapers. The wallpaper comes from FSC or PEFC certificated sustainable forests; so for every tree used another four are planted.



Maximizing the amount of natural light in the bathroom will reduce the amount of energy needed to run the house as well as boosts your health. By adding skylights and well planned windows that bring in the natural sun light, you can reduce your energy costs. If skylights aren’t in the budget opt for the energy efficient CFLs. They may cost a bit more than the old light bulbs but they last several times longer and don’t need as much energy to run.

Eco Friendly Tubs

Eco friendly tub and showers are some of the items in the bathroom that doesn’t have quite the selection of choices when it comes to sustainability. Plaster, stone, metal and even concrete tubs are some of the materials that Green tubs are being made from currently but with the sustainability being on the forefront of clients desires, I am sure we will see more and more selections in months to come.


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