Custom Swimming Pool w/ Fire, Fountains, and Windows

By Cindy
Posted . Filed under Our Projects.

A West Coast residence is getting its final touches this week on its newly fabricated custom swimming pool that was recently installed. The 164″x108″ pool is not only a sizable, but will be quite the venue at completion with all of its bells and whistles.

Custom Stainless Steel Swimming Pool

Fabricated with some amazing effects, the pool will no doubt be a standout amongst the many pools that the area has. Windows, firewalls and windows are just a few of the unique highlights that the pool will feature.

A combo fire component and stainless steel water wall feature will accentuate one of the pool side walls. The look will be quite stunning, looking as if the water is falling into the fire. The water will flow down a water wall and into a hidden drain.

Thick acrylic windows were installed in the swimming pools walls and flooring to show off a “live art” effect in other parts of the home. When you are on the bottom level of the home, the viewer is able to see swimmers in action.

With completion just days away, we are eager to see the completed project in full swing, water flowing and fires a burning..Stay tuned for photo shoot images..

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