Doing Your Part on this Water Day 2013

By Cindy
Posted . Filed under Events & Happenings.

Each year on March 22nd, Water Day is celebrated. Started over 20 years ago by the United Nations, the day of recognition was brought on so as a world we can all come together to celebrate our lands greatest commodity, but also find ways in which we can try to keep up its quality and quantity for all. This years theme is cooperation. The goals for this Water Day is this:

  • Raise awareness on the importance, benefits and challenges of water cooperation;
  • Enhance knowledge and develop capacity for water cooperation;
  • Spark concrete and innovative action towards water cooperation;
  • Foster partnerships, dialogue and cooperation around water as a top priority, during and beyond 2013;
  • Strengthen international cooperation among institutions, users, social and economic sectors and others in order to reach a consensus on Sustainable Development Goals for the post-2015 era which will effectively address our future water needs.

Want to make a difference? Here are some ways in which you can do your part for water day and beyond.

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  • Raise awareness of the benefits of water cooperation: use the brochure, the messages, case studies and success stories;
  • Share your knowledge with people around you;
  • Develop the capacities of stakeholders by organizing a seminar, a workshop or a training;
  • Take action towards water cooperation;
  • Send us your success stories;
  • Send us your pictures, artwork, videos and other creations, and we’ll share them with the world;
  • Contribute to the formulation of Sustainable Development Goals where water is properly addressed: have your voice heard!
  • much much more: be innovative!

If even for a day, acknowledge all that we do with precious water. If only today, you perhaps go without watering your lawn, or recycling bath water for watering plants. Find one way that you can do your part of conserving water.


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