How Will You Make a Difference for Earth Day

By Cindy
Posted . Filed under Events & Happenings.

Earth Day is Monday April 22nd this year. Can you do one thing this year that will invest in our world? Here are some ideas that we think are easy to do and make a big impact if we all do our part.

  • Recycle your paper and glass disposables. Recycling is easy once you get in the habit, and if you are like me you become insane when you see a glass bottle in the trash instead of the recycling bin. Can you imagine if everyone recycled a small bin each week? That would be a lot less trash in our landfills.
  • Use cloth dishtowels or newspaper instead of paper towels. For cleaning off the counters and drying your hands, use a cloth dishtowel that can be washed and used again. Newspaper is great for cleaning windows with a little cleaning solution.
  • Change out at least 1 light bulb to LED or a CFL which aids in lower energy use and longer lifetimes. From just 1 light bulb swap greenhouse gas emission is reduced.
  • Eliminate chlorine in your home swim spas and/or swimming pools. Leaving chemicals and pesticides out of our environment helps reduce the amount of hazardous materials in our waste streams.
  • Pack your lunch in a reusable container that can washed and used again, avoiding plastic bags that don’t break down in landfills. If you must use plastic try compostable products.


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